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Label: Hells Headbangers Records

Date: August 27th, 2021

Rejoice all ye, born under the sign of the slaughtered nun! The time is upon us, to hear the new long play invocation of terror and blasphemed perversion! To hear and to follow the progression to the torture chambers where the dripping entrails of the holy summon all the devils to come forth and reap what we’ve sown.

It’s been quite a few years now since Jim Sadist left us to closely examine what his brainchild chanted about for almost three decades. But I’m not sure if his poltergeist lookalike isn’t still floating about in the rehearsal room in Ohio. It would seem that the “Casket Lid Creaks” is properly titled as the man is watching over all the time.

Meanwhile, Nunslaughter moved on. Actually no, that’s not the right word. They haven’t moved on. They just kept leading this satanic liturgy into the very fires of hell. It’s been seven long years since “Angelic Dread”, their last full length record. In most cases that would mean that the fans were long in wait for the follow-up. However, as the “slaughterheads” are well-aware, this band was never about the long plays. Sixty one releases in the meantime! Not counting the re-releases. One must assume their creative force is extremely diminished. Especially since the late Jim Sadist was a big part of that force.

By now, the music must be terribly repetitive, especially devoid of much musical growth and progression.

And then we get a thirty four minute proof that the infernal wrath is inexhaustible. “Red is the Color of Ripping Death” is as catchy as Nunslaughter has ever been. It is heavy, it is brutal, old school, hard hitting, utterly blasphemous… Just the devil metal we all know and love!

There’s really not that much more to say about the album. It’s indeed a collection of excellent songs any death metal band would be extremely proud to have in their catalogue. Even if some of them were released before. You can mosh to them, bang your heads, air-guitar and sing-along to them and above all worship the cloven-hooved one.

Simple as that, if you are a death metal fan, you need “Red is the Color of Ripping Death”. If you’re an obsessed collector on top of that, sorry to say, your wallet will keep on suffering the immensity of Nunslaughter.

P. S. I’m quite curious as to what the reaction of numerous trendy cat lovers out there will be upon hearing “Black Cat Hanging”. I’m absolutely sure that it would bring along an intense spit-fest if the band were anything more than an underground megalith they are.


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A musician by choice and a journalist by chance. However, much better at the latter one. Self taught reviewer for music and musical literature. Radio host when presented with an opportunity, video presenter when necessity calls for it. A future who-knows-what-else, since the curiosity and drive often surpass the possibilities and capability. But altogether a nice guy!