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Label: Self released

Date: November 29th, 2022

In all modern Slavic counties having a band like Шакал is really important because that’s some kind of a modern way for young ones to learn their history. Maybe it’s not totally historically based but mythology, old songs and our old Slavic culture is something every Serb, Russian or Croat should know. In Russia there’s Arkona, in Ukraine we have Haspyd and here now Шакал. Of course, there is The Stone like the king above kings, Strahor and more but Шакал is quickly running up to them. 

Trailers they published and the idea they have really triggered Serbian metalheads and beyond. They are from Novi Sad, a quite peaceful place with the most die-hard metal fans. They are a pretty young band, existing from 2021. A tricky road is in front of them. We still don’t know their identities and we hope for many albums and concerts. Their new album is something that is worth of attention of every pagan / black metal fan.

One day in Abaddon Magazine’s Viber group came a link about band called Шакал. It took my attention because their name is in Serbian Cyrillic, effective and interesting, so the time passed and I couldn’t wait for their entire album to be published. And what they presented us, that’s quite a story.

The album is called “Јав, Прав, Нав” and it means hell, real world and heaven, roughly translated. It starts with “Химна мртвих Богова (1168)” (“Anthem of the Dead Gods”) and right away the band drags us into the old Slavic world. So, let the game of the gods begin. The song is dedicated to times that unfortunately passed and it is a great start to awake the ancient times.

Next one is the first they published to infect us with their music and idea. Its name is “Коледо”. There is no proper translation to this name because it is the name for one ancient god that we are celebrating still in orthodox Christianity.

My definitely favourite song, with the most bad ass lyrics, is “Ја и Црнобог“ (“Me and Crnobog”). Its melody, vocal expression and atmosphere is so dark and cold like the coldest winter night. A special applause to ”K” for clean vocals. One of the rare moments I didn’t need lyrics to read from. You can actually understand every single word. Maybe it’s the experience or focus but this man definitely knows his job.

One of the songs is only instrumental, without words, so these people showed us that’s enough sometimes. Music and picture in your head, perfection! Nice break before the total chaos and shredding in “Стварање светова“.

I am really pleased that in this album, like in songs of Arkona, there actually are mythological creatures and Gods properly used. Voden, Stribog, Koledo, Crnobog, Vile and “gromovnik” (thunder lord) Perun. As a great fan of our mythology, Шакал has all my sympathies. I listen mostly to folk and black metal but this has all in one package. Someone with great knowledge and experience was working on these songs really hard and dedicated. Songs are not too hard to listen to or boring with blasting of drums. They give special atmosphere here. It spices things up.

The song that is closing the album is called after one of the biggest rivers in Europe, “Дунав“. Danube has many secrets and in Slavic culture water has its own world full of mysteries. Water is the giver of life and also takes many lives as she wanted. All has its cost. Celts, Huns, Slavs, Ottomans and many others were drinking water from that river which is older than stone and stronger than mountains as the song “Дунав” says.

My favourite part as a girl (we love a nice band’s t-shirt) is actually the cover art. Powerful and dark, it has all three, Јав, Прав, Нав and also Шакал, Perun, tree of life… If you look closer you will find it all. Creative and really pretty. I would definitely buy a CD only by its covers. “Јав, Прав, Нав“ is a  great album, unique by many characteristics and I hope there will be many more for Шакал. Until then, we want a concert with rich scenography. Thanks in advance!


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Andjela Milunović born in Ivanjica, Serbia, 24 years old, curently senior medical student and amateur ethnologist. My love for metal music lasts over a decade now, in late 2020 I was accepted in Abaddon magazine from Belgrade as a journalist, my journey with them still lasts and till now I reviewed many albums, books, movies and shows of forign and Serbian metal bands and authors. Besides that our magazine is making live and written interviews with bands, I am proud the most on my interview with Estonian folk metal band Metsatoll in April 2024. My wish is to report from major metal festivals in Europe and World wide. Stay metal! 🤘