Monday, October 28, 2024
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Label: Iron Shield Records

Date: May 14th, 2021

I have a sudden craving to travel to Germany. And not just because I miss travelling. I really do miss travelling, but I’m talking about some sort or space/time continuum breach. I feel like being somewhere on the Hamburg-Gladbeck highway, back in the second half of the 1980’s. Unfortunately, this is 2021, I’m sitting in a flat in Serbia and banging my head to the sounds of faraway Canada.

Fortunately though, Antioch is kicking some serious ass, as I write down these lines. I also have a feeling the trio wouldn’t mind joining me on a journey through time and space into the final hours of Western Germany.

Simply speaking, Antioch is hell-bent on mimicking the feel of the greats of old German heavy metal scene. Running Wild, Grave Digger, Helloween and their contemporaries are the obvious prime influences in the Canadians’ creation. Sure, you will find subtle British connotations within. “A Façade at the Third Castle” has a vocal line that will remind you of Alice Cooper. But overall, there’s been a long time since anything as German sounding as “V” came out of Germany. Even the last Grave Digger’s record doesn’t sound as convincing. Haven’t checked the reunited Helloween yet, but it is doubtful they will go as strong as these eight year old Canadians.

What’s more, this EP consists of five tracks that are brimming with extremely catchy parts. Supreme riffing, driving drum parts, rock solid bass work and such memorable choruses like you wouldn’t believe. A bit “throatier” vocal execution than expected, but it really doesn’t matter.

To tell you the truth, I’ve completely forgotten about the fact that Antioch has absolutely nothing new to put on the table. Almost twenty-seven minutes of primeval, ancient heavy metal music, fit for every metal party, every metal show, every metal heart and soul.

It’s simple as that, if you’re not totally in love with “V”, face it, you are not a metalhead!

Well, I’m not so enthusiastic about the cover artwork. Other than that, the fifth (if you haven’t figured it on your own yet) recording by Antioch is a killer that needs to find a way to the ears of every metal maniac around. No discussions, get it!

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A musician by choice and a journalist by chance. However, much better at the latter one. Self taught reviewer for music and musical literature. Radio host when presented with an opportunity, video presenter when necessity calls for it. A future who-knows-what-else, since the curiosity and drive often surpass the possibilities and capability. But altogether a nice guy!