Monday, October 28, 2024
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Label: Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

Date: November 18th, 2022

Sometimes, when it comes to some bands, there are just no surprises. They stick to their genre, subject, appearance and that’s enough to do a good job. They have their sound, vibe and energy they built for years and have no intention to stop. Also, when they come from big cities, countries and regions I am not afraid if no one heard about them. They surely have their beloved fans and if no one finds out about this review, Blood Of The Wolf will peacefully continue to create and live. But I hope that me and Abaddon Magazine will help these giants come to the top. Band Blood Of The Wolf is a bigger name of Chicago metal scene. Their experience in making music is quite long and by this, their third, full length they proved it once more. “IV: The Declaration of War Eternal” is their best album so far and I will try to explain why.

Death metal isn’t something unfamiliar in America. That genre was born there and every other experiment made with that particular genre is excellent and bearable to listen (trust me, even to metalheads, that’s important). Next to really enormous adrenaline, you feel right when this album starts there is something evil in this release. But in totally positive way. To make a good song, or even an album, you have to take care of everything from instruments, music, subject to your presentation. By knowing those people are really good at this job, they made one interesting angry and evilly good musical package.

By its first riff in “With Lightning for Vengeance” Mister Mike Koniglio “growled” me away and even if this was a single, I would still be delighted by the effort they put in this song. Energy is as crazy as every riff, doom guitar break mixed with shredding drums really made me feel the atmosphere of their concert. Mosh pits are reserved for this one. Of course, to the last song tempo stays the same. Energy is in high pitch to the last minute and that is one of the reasons this is high qualified metal release. “The Sword Everlasting”, “Ritual Overkill” and especially “I Am the Blade of Eradication” hold special place to drum machine. I am sorry to say that those people don’t have their drummer but I had to see who this man is and I got really disappointed to say there is no drummer. That is the only bad fact about this marvelous band. But let’s put that in the shadows and to say those three songs are really well made.

As I already mentioned, a doom note is strongly present here and it calms the situation a bit, but it just makes a “silence before storm” moment and right after that my headset and my ears became surprised by an explosion of the sound. Really powerful!

I don’t have a favorite song (it would be like favorizing a child) but the last song “The Declaration of the War Eternal” took my attention and heart with the best guitar riff made by Misters Frank Garcia and Mike Koniglio. It’s really worth of listening.

Next to music, lyrics this time are based on total war and darkness. Let’s say it like that. Even by reading the names of the songs you can see what are you dealing with. And with music like this I didn’t expect anything less. As I said before, totally evil and dedicated to the gods of war. To have a better impression, look at the cover photo of the album and you will get a clear picture of everything. Skulls, battlefield arrows, swords, pretty deadly atmosphere – must be mixed with death metal. It just goes together. I hope to see this band in a few years to take over the throne of important and big bands of America. I know it’s a big country but they deserve this.


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Andjela Milunović born in Ivanjica, Serbia, 24 years old, curently senior medical student and amateur ethnologist. My love for metal music lasts over a decade now, in late 2020 I was accepted in Abaddon magazine from Belgrade as a journalist, my journey with them still lasts and till now I reviewed many albums, books, movies and shows of forign and Serbian metal bands and authors. Besides that our magazine is making live and written interviews with bands, I am proud the most on my interview with Estonian folk metal band Metsatoll in April 2024. My wish is to report from major metal festivals in Europe and World wide. Stay metal! 🤘