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Date: June 24th, 2022

Label: Me Saco un Ojo Records

So… Time to move near the place I have lived for almost thirteen years, so I can call it “my place, too actually”, has just come. And it means visit the capital and the most populous city of Denmark. Just then three guys decided to create a band and started to create their own music, which resulted in two demos (“Where Gods Excarnate”, 2018 and “Festering Carcirnolith”, 2019). Both released in a form of compilation “Festering Excarnation” year 2020. All mentioned items were released only digitally. The same thing is with their debut full-length I’m just reviewing. Well, actually I will do it for a while because so far I wrote only some very short biographies of the trio from Copenhagen.

“Effigies of Obsolescence” contains seven tracks. And here at least some of you can be a little confused, but positively surprised in the same fact with fact there’s only one song taken from demos on here. Another six are new compositions. Probably that’s why we had three years of break between “Fastening…” and this album. I somehow don’t count the singles recorded last year (it just announced the album) and compilation was released, as I think, to let you know the band is still existing. Anyways, let’s start to talk about the most and practically the only important thing finally! Music we have to do here is definitely old school Death Metal. But since even this term says not too much to you, in my opinion this is too general description, then I’ll precise it a little more. You can hear in music of Danish influences of such more well-known bands like the one who’s active since 1989, was found in New Jersey and the only original member of that is guitarist and since 2004 vocalist John McEntee. Another one is for example the one created in 1988 and still based (contrary to the first one I write about – this one moved twice in their career) in the same place – Yonkers in New York. Generally this is absolutely in the style of American, but not this one of Florida, style.

Of course guys have own style and this any fuckin’ copy of any band! Anyways, all of them (well, all three ones, actually) play their instruments variablely and you can recognize well technical abilities. Riffs are broken and, as I said before, they change quite often. What I like here is the fact you can hear bass very well. I mean, this is not hidden the whole time and only follows the drums’ line. You know, that’s the same important instrument as guitar and drums, Jonas is the same important in the band like Soren and Andreas are (they’re both responsible for vocals on here, too, even if it seems the main vocalist is Soren).. By the way, another thing, which is a huge plus and makes music even more interesting, is the fact Andreas uses cymbals very willingly. Well, I know it should be always like that, especially in Death Metal, but we all know there are drum beats for which cymbals could not exist.

And before I’ll recommend this band and their debut full-length… I add only what you should deduce from my words, tempo on here is variable, of course. Well, mostly this is quite a slow one and reminds me of a Death Metal waltz who destroys everything that will meet it. Anyways, hope so at first hand you’ll listen to it as quickly as possible. Well, to be honest I also have another hope connected with “Effigies of Obsolescence”. I know this is once more proof I’m old, fashionable and ill-adapted to times I live in (and probably even to society), but it would be really great to have the possibility to take in my hands some physical copy of this album. And I know there’s more freaks like that on this planet, and not all of them are in, yes less or more age. Actually I’m sure some label will show interest and contact guys to release a CD, vinyl or a tape (or all of them) with this stuff!

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I was born quite a long time ago in Poland (1974) to support the scene and keep metal flames away, even though I officially started to listen to metal at age of 13. Few years later (4, maybe 5) I decided to edit my own fanzine and this adventure lasted over years. Then, after graduating journalism, I wrote reviews, made interviews and live reports for some magazines. I moved to Sweden and my journey continued. Finally I became a part of the Abaddon team, where I'll stay until the last breath!!! I'd like to develop together with this magazine.