Monday, October 28, 2024
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Label: Self released

Date: March 8th, 2023

Although I am not a fan of American thrash / death metal scene, because for a long time I didn’t hear something original from that continent, I must say that this time, hearing Never Reborn, I take back what I said. Reason why I avoid to review American bands is that there are a few riffs they made and in the glory of Slayer, Sepultura or Metallica, all melodies look alike and the story ends there. That is not a new information or my kind of musical philosophy, but I assume a lot of people agree with me. Even if no one does, I am right, I am sure.

Never Reborn is not a young band. They exist from 2014 but they didn’t have any releases until 2020 and their first EP under the name of “What Darkness Brings”. I have no clue why they didn’t make an album of it but for sure they should have done that. Three brilliant musicians, first full length, ten songs, tons of small gigs before and I am sorry for that. Many bands have concerts on world stages and even make money from music while bands like this stay in the shadows. Some only exist because of some old glory but music and the concerts are lame more than ever. Not fair but that can be changed. Now, with this album, the metal world is richer for one awesome band and album.

“Ashes of Our Past”, a death / thrash metal by its genre went out to the light of day in March this year. Many facts make this album great but let’s start with the simplest. From the first to the last song this band really showed us what they can do and how much experience they have in writing the history of metal. “Storms End” is an opening instrumental that’s slowly taking us into the story, but after that “Never Reborn” that is dedicated to the name of the band, with its progressive atmosphere, just prepared us for what comes next. Interesting is the lesson we can learn from the lyrics of this song. Original statement about Christianity and rebirth are central parts of the song. Maybe someday we will learn why we were never reborn. Christianity gave us an idea, but this song gave us a lesson of reality.

The song “Ashes of Our Past” is partly the reason why I liked this album. With deadly good guitar riffs and even better solos, this song really sounds like an anthem. Every great band has it so I think this will be theirs. Even if the songs really don’t look alike, this fact connects them.

Doomy slow moments with background guitar solo riffs are the mark of this album. In songs like “Deathmarch Armageddon” or ’’Ashes of Our Past” the riffs or solos (call them however you want) are just in the right place. They don’t bother the rest of the melody or volume down the rest of the instruments. This really brought on the creativity of the melodies.

Next half of the album is more progressive and, for my taste, better than the first part. Drums and bass gave here the biggest effort next to the solos that give out the vibe of classic heavy metal. Especially in songs like “Fallen One” and “Requiem (World of Hurt)” that heavy metal atmosphere is present.

Central part of the album are the lyrics. Idea is not so unique, but in the spirit of metal. Satan, doom of Christianity, band’s view of afterlife, nightmares. That brings up the darkness of the entire album and lyrics are well written with much imagination and in poem spirit. All of them are long with specific subject and they bring maybe 40 percent of the quality of the album. There are many bands whose subject is exactly this but in my opinion Never Reborn made a huge effort in every way to express themselves.

I hope we will soon see more albums, EPs and, more importantly, concerts from Never Reborn. In this world lacking of creativity, many bands and albums were born but not so excellent as this one. So, let’s give them a chance like a wind in the back to show you they can also be famous and “el grande” band. I know I will.


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Andjela Milunović born in Ivanjica, Serbia, 24 years old, curently senior medical student and amateur ethnologist. My love for metal music lasts over a decade now, in late 2020 I was accepted in Abaddon magazine from Belgrade as a journalist, my journey with them still lasts and till now I reviewed many albums, books, movies and shows of forign and Serbian metal bands and authors. Besides that our magazine is making live and written interviews with bands, I am proud the most on my interview with Estonian folk metal band Metsatoll in April 2024. My wish is to report from major metal festivals in Europe and World wide. Stay metal! 🤘