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Label: More Hate Productions

Date: January 6th, 2022

Ask me about my favorite European metal area of extreme metal, I will always answer Poland. Cannot explain that magical relation with Polish bands, but there it is. This time in the form of Sothoris, black/death metal band, formed in Miłosław, Greater Poland in 2016. Four years after they released their debut album “Raj potępiony” (in my interpretation: damned paradise), Sothoris are back with “Wpiekłowstąpienie” (ascension). If the album title points to the act of rising to an important position or a higher level, I want to believe it will bring a higher position to Sothoris on the global metal scene. The album contains eight songs: “Proroctwo”, “Potępieniec”, “Człowiek z marmuru” , “Przykazanie śmierci”, “Opus Dei”, “W cieniu Golgoty”, “Wpiekłowstąpienie” and “Requiem Dla Hien”.

Why is Sothoris different? Their lyrics are written in native language. Music itself, hardly can be original, influences are obvious, at the first place, the band is oriented to the Swedish branch of black metal. That is not any objection.

Maybe not typical, but I will start this review with the cover art. Blood red dominates the booklet and the artist behind it captured band members’ emotions perfectly. Dark yellow band logo, album title and lyrics fit the overall composition and you simply have to love it. For some, it might be disturbing, but I see a beauty in it.

Speaking of lyrics, I might say I was pretty much surprised how much I actually understood the language. And I have to admit, years ago, I thought English is the mother language of metal. I denied any other language is acceptable. Today, listening to so many bands that are focused on mother language when it comes to lyrics, I can see the beauty of each new language I am discovering. So, a big plus for Sothoris goes in the direction of lyrics which, written in Polish language, have a special poetic note. From the dark forest, over the prince of darkness to Greek and Christian mythology, Sothoris have not reinvented the wheel, but they have found their formula. Lyrics are not superficial, or shall I say empty, predictable, pathetic… They have depth and poetic dimension. Singing either about the dark forest or mythology, the band explores the romantic poetry realm.

Technically with no debate, with no exaggerating, Sothoris are perfectly brutal! Raven, although we deal with growling, is well articulated, and surprisingly understandable. Liturgical sung parts are standing out. Drumming as well as guitar riffs dominates over bass lines, and if I would have any objection, yes, I would like to hear more bass.

From the start of an album, you are faced with a high level of professionalism in every way.

This band has all the subgenre needs: blasphemous lyrics, creepy intros, piercing melodies, pure aggression, funeral atmosphere. Somehow, listening to this album, I would say it is a shame Sothoris is underground band. The sound and production improved, as well as songwriting. The band progressed on each level. And as I might wrote in the beginning: I want to believe  “Wpiekłowstąpienie” will bring a higher position to Sothoris on the global metal scene.

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With two university degrees and rich working experience as a special education teacher and therapist, I don't give up on my first love - music journalism. Started in 1994 as a radio and TV presenter, continued as a written journalist in 2004. Since then I have collaborated with numerous European magazines. In 2020, I founded Abaddon Magazine with my comrades, and I will never give up on writing, listening and promoting the best music in the universe.